Monday, September 9, 2013

Mission Farewell

Had my mission farewell yesterday! What a great day! Thanks to all my friends and family that came out. For those who didn't come here is the gist of what I talked about.

  • The Lord has not forgotten you. He has "graven you upon the palms" of his hands.
  • Sometimes he mourns with us rather than fix the problem/sometimes our losses are meant to bring about greater things.
  • The Lord knows exactly how to help us. He knows exactly who to send our way to mend our sorrows. Sometimes we get so caught up in the idea that he suffered for our sins that we forget he also suffered for our pains and afflictions so that "he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people in their infirmities.” (Alma 7:12)
  • Because the Lord has not forgotten us we must not forget him. We must let our minds be continually turned to God. We covenant when we take the sacrament to "always remember him."
  • We must not forget our fellow beings. Give random compliments. Pray for the ones you love, and the ones you don't. Teach others that the Lord has not forgotten them. 
I love my friends so much! Notice there is only one boy in this picture, that is because all my other guy friends are already on their missions, they're such good examples to me. My friends are without a doubt crazy, they're sweet, and they are the ones who continually make my life fun and enjoyable. I have such good memories with all of them. 

As for my family, they're the best! Could I have asked for prettier sisters? I'm going to miss them all so much. I'm going to miss Karen's hugs, slap wars with Mckell, shopping with Whitney, and talking with Jess while I hold my nephew Ty. I love my parents too, they are the best parents in the world. My dad is the smartest, sweetest, handiest, best man I know. I love him for looking out for me, for helping me achieve all my dreams, for teaching me about the gospel and for teasing me about every boy I bring within two miles of the house. Words cannot express the love I have for my mom. She is my best friend. She always knows what to say. She's the one who on my darkest days takes me shopping and gives me all her love. I love the times we spend together just the two of us whether we are folding towels and watching TV or eating out at Gingers. She compensates for my lack of planning, she really pulled everything together yesterday. 

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