Monday, July 21, 2014

Elephants, Kitty Cats and Koala Bears. Oh My!

Dear Family and Friends,
Hermana Snow and I
Don't have much time to write today but several great things happened this past week.
Eduardo's Baptism
1. Eduardo, one of our investigators, got baptized! He said that the feeling of being baptized went without words!  We have been working with him a lot to get him to this point and he finally got there. He was so excited to be washed clean of all his sins and afterwards could not stop smiling from ear to ear. We're super proud of him for making the decision. He's only been working with the missionaries for three weeks so it was a big leap of faith for him but he was more than happy to give up all his sins. His conversion is so amazing. It makes me so happy just thinking about it. 

We also had some investigators come to the baptism and decide that they wanted to be baptized themselves, so awesome!
With Mayra. She's going to be baptized this weekend.
Her birthday was Sunday, so we went over to celebrate with her.
2. We went on exchanges with the University Park sisters. I got to go serve in an English area for a day. It was great. I love working with all the different sisters. They're each so amazing. Sister Skeem and I had a blast!
These are the YSA sisters we serve with and the Garcia family
 3. We had a Zone Meeting and we trained. We trained on how to ask bold questions when you're contacting such as, "Have you been baptized?" or "Have you been forgiven of your sins?" I feel like it went over really well. The missionaries in our zone are awesome and their comments really added to the training. 

The ZL's trained us on teaching lesson 3 and brought in one of their actual investigators to teach it to. It was so cool to teach in a big group like that. We all got to participate. It reminded me of the MTC. At the end, their investigator agreed to be baptized! Miracles are happening here. 

The DL and his companion also taught. They taught us about believing in ourselves. Their training was really inspiring. Overall the meeting was a spiritual uplifting success. 

 4. As usual we had a lot of lessons this past week. We taught several people about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that the priesthood keys of salvation have been restored. I'm also really glad we can repent, it brings us so much happiness, and no matter how awful we feel we can always turn to the Lord. He loves us always. 
This is Roman. He's getting baptized soon.
 Anyways that's about it for the week. Thanks for all your letters/emails, your the best!
Con Amor,

La Hermana Mathis
Fun times! We got rear-ended. Luckily we didn't hit anyone else so
we won't be charged for anything, but it threw off our day a bit.
Ha ha, will I ever escape getting in car crashes? Had we not had our
bike rack, the accident would have been so much worse.
This experience shows me that God looks out for his missionaries.

This is for my cat-loving sister, Karen. Imitating a cat.

Hermana Snow imitating a Koala Bear.

We found a Columbian school of ballet. It's so famous that apparently
people from Spain move to the states so that their children can attend.
We taught a lesson out in front, it was great!

Find a couple plaster elephants in your area? Take a picture!

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